Loving God.

Loving People.

Join Us

Sunday Mornings: 9:30am Sunday School - for all ages

10:45 Worship - Nursery provided up to 5 yrs

Wednesday evenings: 6:30 - prayer meeting

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Statement of faith

What we practice and believe...

Concerning God: We believe in the Fatherhood of God; The deity and humanity of Jesus Christ the Son and his virgin birth; the ministry and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Concerning the Bible: The Bible is the inspired rule of faith and we emphasize the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit, who has given us the Scriptures.

Concerning People: Human beings, though created good, are separated from God by their sinfulness. We can only find peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning death and resurrection.

Concerning the Salvation and Faith: True faith involves an immediate, inward, and PERSONAL encounter with God. This experience, rather than ritual and ceremony, is what we must experience to obtain salvation.

Concerning Worship: Worship is a personal, positive act of SEEKING God, which should not be limite to scheduled times of corporate worship. We regard every part of life as sacramental, as we live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Baptism and communion are inner, spiritual experiences rather than outward acts.

Concerning the Christian Life: Moral purity, integrity, honesty, simplicity, and humility are essential to the Christian life.

Concerning Peace: Christian love an good will are a way of life that makes hatred and violence impossible. Christ-like loe and concern for the suffering and unfortunate people of the world must find expression in humanitarian service and social justice.

our mission fields...


When one of our own members had to transfer hospitals from Liberal to Denver we realized just how hard it can be to get everything together and rush off for emergency treatment. With that in mind, we started "Levi Bags" for those who are in the same boat. The bags are stocked with necessities that are often forgotten (toothbrush, toothpaste, water bottle, bible, Tylenol, and wet wipes (among other things). Flight for Life distributes these when they perform the transfer.

Located at 311 N. Grant in Liberal, Kansas, we provide hope, help an practical help for anyone who finds herself in an unplanned pregnancy. Our services cover from pregnancy test to the baby's first birthday. Women earn 'baby bucks' learning about parenting and spend them in the boutique for gently used and new items. All services are free.


Located at 311 N. Lincoln in Liberal, Kansas, this shelter provides hope and help to anyone who finds himself without food and shelter. The program involves classes in employment skills, total sobriety, and life skills. Clients are allowed to stay a designated number of days in the shelter depending on their progress on the program.

Stepping Stone Shelter is a temporary housing facility for those having no where else to stay. It is the only facility of its kind in the 11 county southwest Kansas area. It also serves the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and corners of New Mexico and Colorado.

The Stepping Stone Shelter is a temporary shelter for the homeless, providing, through its resources, opportunities for homeless families and individuals to make life changes that will prevent future homelessness.

Liberal Friends Begins


Around 1911 several Friends from the rural Liberal Rose Valley Meeting moved to Liberal along with a family from the Lone Star Meeting. These Friends met first in the home of Pastor Albin Gibson, then, in an old dance hall building called Craig Hall, and in the old Stamper Block. It was during these first two or three years that Friends minister Thomas Hockett and his family moved to Liberal from the Bethel Friends area.


By 1914 there was enough interest to establish a Monthly meeting and build a meeting house. Liberal Monthly Meeting of Friends was established on the 2nd month, 8th Day, 1915. The group acquired property at the corner of 5th and Grant and construction was complete by April. On the 4th of April 1915 Kansas governor Arthur Capper, a Quaker, dedicated the new building. This building served the meeting well for many years.


In March of 1969 a new building was needed and a committee was appointed to the task. In February of 1971 the trustees purchased 5.2 acres of land on North Western Avenue and a building was constructed on this site. The Liberal Friends first met in their new building on November 18, 1971, almost 57 years after the dedication of the old building at 5th and Grant.


Few remember those first early days, but they mark the beginning of a group of Friends striving toward a common purpose: being led by the Holy Spirit of God to further the good news of Christ to all who have not heard. Our purpose remains the same. May God bless our meeting and may we always look to Him for guidance in all of our endeavors.

Committees 2023

Executive Council Members

Pastor...........................................Jeff Nagel

Presiding Clerk.................Carmen Sumner

Recording Clerk.........................Euleta Barr

Reading Clerk...................Alisa Henderson

Treasurer...............................Cindi Lyddon

Resident Agent................Carmen Sumner

MAYM Representative.............

Nominating Committee

Jeff Nagell

Mary Nagell

Carmen Sumner

Euleta Barr

Organizational Structure

Friends Church, Liberal KS


Chair: Jamie Cook

Carmen Sumner

Alisa Henderson

Tava Davis

Spiritual Life

Chair: Euleta Barr


Sarah Foreman

Alisa Henderson

Cindi Lyddon

Carmen Sumner


Chair: Mary Nagell

Cindi Lyddon


Chair: Sarah Foreman, Francis Wyer

Treasurer Cindi Lyddon

James Cook Jamie Cook

Bill Lyddon Paula Wyer

David Foreman

Let's build the future together!

Contact Us


1650 N. Western, Liberal, KS 67901


FAITH AND PRACTICE Evangelical Friends Church/MidAmerica Yearly Meeting (click on underlined link)

The above website link contains the faith and practice including Friends History, Belief and Practice, Form of Government and Practices of Government.

Centennial Celebration